Entry valid from 18 to 64 years old. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit.
Ticket valid from 5 to 17 years old. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit.
Ticket valid up to 4 years old. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit.
Entry valid from 65 years of age. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit.
Entry valid from 18 to 64 years old. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit. Includes entrance to Mirador Torre Glòries and access to the Cloud Cities sculpture by Tomás Saraceno on the same day.
Entry valid from 65 years of age. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit. Includes entrance to Mirador Torre Glòries and access to the Cloud Cities sculpture by Tomás Saraceno on the same day.
Ticket valid from 10 to 17 years old. Ticket without date or time, valid for one use until 12/31/2024. Subject to availability at the time of visit. Includes entrance to Mirador Torre Glòries and access to the Cloud Cities sculpture by Tomás Saraceno on the same day.