Grupos Acuario de Gijón


Step 1. Select your tickets for Grupos Acuario de Gijón

Minimum of 18 students. 1 free for the teacher for every 10 paying students (regardless of their age and whether they book a guided or free tour).

Free Visit School Group - Gijón Aquarium

Valid for free visit to the Gijón aquarium. Valid for school groups from 18 students.

Guided Tour School Group - Gijón Aquarium

Guided tour valid for groups between 18 and 25 students.

Guided Tour and Children's Workshop - Gijón Aquarium

Valid for school groups. Includes guided tour and children's workshop.

Guided Tour and Primary Workshop - Gijón Aquarium

Valid for school groups. Includes guided tour and primary workshop.

Guided Tour and Special Ed. Workshop - Gijón Aquarium

Valid for school groups. Includes guided tour and workshop for special education.

Guided Tour and Workshop ESO, Baccalaureate, FP - Gijón Aquarium

Valid for school groups. Includes guided tour and workshop for students of ESO, Baccalaureate and FP.

Free Admission Teacher - Gijón Aquarium

Free for 1 teacher for every 10 students.
