Where would you like to spend your time?


Discover the Nuevo los Cármenes stadium of Granada Club de Fútbol like never before with this new interactive tour, the first in Spain through the most innovative technologies. The Nuevo los Cármenes stadium resumes its activity s ... Show more

This is a story that takes place between two worlds, the Fantasy Kingdom and the real world, where two young protagonists embark on a fabulous journey full of adventures, mysteries and challenges that will transport the viewer to ... Show more

Written in splendid prose, El tiempo entre costuras advances with an unstoppable rhythm through maps, memory and nostalgia, transporting us to the legendary colonial enclaves of North Africa, to the pro-German Madrid of the immedi ... Show more

Palau Dalmases is a 17th century palace built in the heart of Barcelona, in its popular and picturesque area of El Born. During the show, you'll see a live performance by a singer, a guitarist, and two dancers. Immerse yourself in ... Show more

A wonderful show composed of a complete repertoire of the best flamenco artists in Spain on a 19th century stage converted into a modern and sophisticated theater with artists composed of dancers, singers, guitars and percussion w ... Show more

Calle de los Mancebos 2

In the heart of Madrid, in the popular neighborhood of La Latina, is the flamenco tablao La Cueva de Lola. Just a few minutes from the Plaza Mayor and the Royal Palace, this 2-story space houses a 17th-century cave, a unique place ... Show more

Adventure activities such as kayaking or paddle surfing.

Adventure activities in Vilanova i La Geltrú

Camí del Coll d'Ares, s/n

Located in the Montsec mountain range, in the municipality of Àger (la Noguera), the most appropriate place in Catalonia due to its conditions of absence of light pollution and favorable weather, it has become a world benchmark fo ... Show more

Calle Acceso Telesilla, s/n

Ride this summer on the Panticosa cable car and enjoy a spectacular view of the town and the rugged mountains that surround it. The ski lift starts from the same town and in a 15-minute journey it reaches the 1,900 level, fromwher ... Show more